Trying To Conceive (TTC)


I believe most couples who are trying to conceive would agree with me: the waiting season is the most agonising period where you are unsure of when it is going to happen or will it happen to you after all. Months after months of trying, you may feel discouraged and start to lose all hope. You have tried searching for answers over portals, forums, the world wide web and the platform which seems to know all answers – Google. Yet, nothing seems to come out from it, leading you to feel frustrated, impatient, upset about yourself or your body as to why didn’t it react the way that you wanted it to be. You start posing questions to yourself. Why does conceiving comes so quickly, easily and naturally for others but not for you.

The sad truth is that there is no answer to it and never will there be one. Different people faces different challenges in their life. We tend to envy or covet what someone else seem to have, but fail to realise that they too have their own battles to fight. At this point in time, you feel most burdened by the inability to conceive naturally.

However, fast forward 5 or even 10 years later, you will come to realise that all the negative thoughts you had of yourself were foolish and had only one purpose: to decrease your self esteem. It has no benefits, but you have emerged stronger both physically and mental. You may or may not have been a parent by then, but the key lesson in this life journey is that you have overcome your negative thoughts and emerged as a winner.

Personally, I have always believed that I will have my own kids in time to come. The painful part comes in when I think about the waiting time. I get impatient as time ticked, then again, with every wait, I tell myself it was for the better, the best is yet to come. By then, I will be ready and getting to welcome it with my open arms.

So the question back to you, which stage are you now in? Even if you are not trying to conceive, the wait is still similar that applies to everyone. You can be waiting for your life partner, that job promotion that you desire, the right time to start a business and etc. The question is what are you doing during this wait and what kind of mindset are you embracing during this wait is what make this wait more worthwhile and meaningful. Last of all, are you ready for it when it finally arrives…

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