A Gift From Heaven Book

This third book is about my rainbow baby – Titus Low Jia Sheng (刘家圣).

Finally after such a long journey, I am happy and overjoy to announce my baby boy to the world, well, at least to all my family, relatives and friends. After being married for 10 years to getting pregnant naturally all seems to be unbelievable, a surprise and a miracle from God.

It comes to a stage where I think that maybe it will not happen at all or I am contented with what I have already when all of a sudden, something caught us unaware. So life changing that we struggle to keep sane and yet being grateful and appreciative of what we have.

A Gift From Heaven tells the tale of a mother’s faith journey in seeking God, in choosing to believe in His plan even in the darkest hour, and in being richly rewarded with a rainbow baby after the storms.

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A Gift From Heaven

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